Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Earlier this month we talked about farms. Here are pictures from a few of our activities! 
Taste testing milk. 

Shearing sheep. 

Make vegetables out of play dough. 

"Milking" a cow. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Pre-K’s Thanksgiving Recipes

Ripley’s Turkey- Put it in the oven for 40 minutes like on really really hot. My mom heats it up. And I eat chocolate on Thanksgiving! I watch cartoons and wait for it to cool.”

Seth’s Turkey- “Put it in the stove and in the pan. My mom makes it hot and we eat it.”

Ava’s Mashed Potatoes- “Cook it on the stove for 58 minutes. You have to let them rest for a little bit and I sit and play Hungry Hungry Hippos."

Matthew’s Mashed Potatoes- “My mommy cooks it with fire!”

Miya’s Mashed Potatoes- “We cut the potatoes and put them in the oven for five minutes on hot.”

Greyson’s Turkey- “Put it in the microwave for 42 minutes and put water on it and put mashed potatoes in the turkey and eat it.”

TJ’s Chicken Nuggets and Green Beans- “Put green beans in the oven for 30 minutes. Put the nuggets in the oven for 20 minutes on hot. Put them in the microwave for 20 minutes. Put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and eat them.”

Rachel’s Stuffing- “Make it with scrambled eggs and pancakes. You cook it for ten minutes with pepper.”

Sophia’s cake- “With whip cream! Put in the oven for 1 minute and then eat it.”

Samuel’s Corn- “Put it in pan for 12345 minutes. That’s it.”

Leeah’s Mashed Potatoes- “Make in the microwave for 21 hours.”

Annabelle’s Mashed Potatoes- “Use the mashed potato box and pour water and eggs in it.”

Aurora’s Mashed Potatoes- “Mix sour cream in the potatoes, load it up maybe for five minutes.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day

It was Election Day in Pre-K too! We talked about what it means to vote, and we know what a ballot is! Our class has been talking about farms lately, so we voted on our favorite farm animal. Our candidates were: horse, sheep, pig, or cow. Horse was the winner! 

Some of us knew right away which animal we were voting for, others took some time to think about it. 

What was the best part of voting? The stickers! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fire Safety

Thank you to Nurse Jeanne and Broken Arrow Fire Department for talking to us about fire safety. We know how to stop, drop and roll, and if there is smoke we will stay low and go. Parents: our class knows if we need to stay low and go, we meet at the bell tower. I encourage you to make a plan with your child about where to meet in case of a fire at your house. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"Come, Follow Me"

Last week we talked about the apostles leaving their nets to follow Jesus. We learned that Peter, Andrew, James and John followed Jesus to spread the Good News about God. We know we don't have to be fishermen to do that! We can spread the Good News in our own school! 

Here we are in our "boats". 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Wheels on the Bus!

My class always loves when Bishop Kelley High School comes to get the All Saints 8th graders for their day at BK, because that means we get to sing and explore the bus!

The video of our class singing "The Wheels on the Bus" is posted on the All Saints Catholic School Facebook page. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Play is so important as our students develop! 

It might look like we are just painting, but we are learning to concentrate. 

It might look like we are just playing blocks, but we are learning to plan. 

It might look like we are playing dolls, but we are learning to care for others. 

It might look like we are pretending to read, but we are increasing our vocabulary. 

It might look like we are just exploring textures, but we are processing information. 

It might look like we are just doing puzzles, but we are problem solving. 

Play is the way: Jamie White

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Welcome to Pre-K!

What a great first day! We were busy all day. Check out what we were up to! 

We read First Day Jitters and drank jitter juice. 

 Have you heard of Jitter Juice?
It’s magic and it’s yummy!
It makes the butterflies fly away,
 right out of your tummy!
The bubbles in this silly cup 
  will help you not to worry!
So grab a cup and drink it up!
Hurry, hurry, hurry! 

We had a chance to explore all of the centers in our classroom! 

In the morning, we played on our playground too! 

We marked everyone on the door, so we can see how much we grow this year!