Pre-K’s Thanksgiving Recipes
Ripley’s Turkey- “Put it in the oven
for 40 minutes like on really really hot. My mom heats it up. And I eat
chocolate on Thanksgiving! I watch cartoons and wait for it to cool.”
Seth’s Turkey- “Put
it in the stove and in the pan. My mom makes it hot and we eat it.”
Ava’s Mashed Potatoes- “Cook
it on the stove for 58 minutes. You have to let them rest for a little bit and
I sit and play Hungry Hungry Hippos."
Matthew’s Mashed Potatoes- “My mommy cooks it with fire!”
Miya’s Mashed Potatoes- “We cut the potatoes and put them in the oven for five
minutes on hot.”
Greyson’s Turkey-
“Put it in the microwave for 42 minutes and put water on it and put mashed
potatoes in the turkey and eat it.”
TJ’s Chicken Nuggets and Green Beans- “Put green beans in the oven for 30 minutes. Put the
nuggets in the oven for 20 minutes on hot. Put them in the microwave for 20
minutes. Put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and eat them.”
Rachel’s Stuffing-
“Make it with scrambled eggs and pancakes. You cook it for ten minutes with
Sophia’s cake- “With
whip cream! Put in the oven for 1 minute and then eat it.”
Samuel’s Corn- “Put
it in pan for 12345 minutes. That’s it.”
Leeah’s Mashed Potatoes- “Make in the microwave for 21 hours.”
Annabelle’s Mashed Potatoes- “Use the mashed potato box and pour water and eggs in
Aurora’s Mashed Potatoes- “Mix sour cream in the potatoes, load it up maybe for
five minutes.”